Monday, March 16, 2009

A Sunbeam, a Sunbeam

Needless to say, Anna did not like that I walked her up to the middle of the stairs, sat her down, and left to take her picture. Madeleine, on the other hand, loves to climb these steps!

Anna is our sweetheart. I don't know how we are so blessed to have her in our family, but I'm glad we do because we need her.

There is a closeup of Anna's flower that I made for her hair.

Poor Hop Hop got dragged down the redrock stairs by her ears! Ouch!

I can't believe that I have a child old enough to be a Sunbeam! That just seems way too old for me. It's crazy how fast it happens. One day babies turn into kids and it feels like we missed it even though we were here the whole time. I love this girl more than I can say. It's fun to watch her as she transforms into a kid.

This post is mostly for Mom so that she can see the girls in these sweet little dresses she sent. These pictures were taken after church, so their hair was a little wild. I had fun making their little hair flowers. Madeleine did have two, but one fell out on our way out to the car. Mike had to stay for choir practice, so I thought I would take a couple of pictures of the girls on the steps to the chapel. Where is Henry? It was SUPER windy, and he had fallen asleep during primary, so he was nestled into his carseat out of the wind while I took their pictures. My next post will be all about Henry, I promise.


Reynolds Family said...

Those dresses are so cute! And why do I just want to pick Anna up and pinch or kiss her face off? Don't worry, I won't.

Jolyn said...

cute girls!

Jolyn said...

I'm still waiting for a Henry post - I bet he's getting big!